Carbon sources in sand casting

Posted by Vico Casting Export Company Limited at 14/01/2023

The sand casting production process will directly produce carbon emissions, such as alcohol combustion in flow coating liquid and molten iron smelting slag forming operation, which will directly produce carbon dioxide emissions (carbon emissions for short). However, using the carbon emissions actually created on site as the overall carbon emissions of the sand casting method is unscientific. This paper's research content aims to calculate the carbon emissions in the entire life cycle of casting products, such as power consumption and pig iron, which do not directly produce carbon emissions but will produce carbon emissions during the power generation, pig iron production, and transportation processes.

A natural gas spray pistol will be used in the sand casting molding process to bake the sand mold whose coating is not totally dried. Natural gas combustion will immediately emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and carbon emissions will also be generated throughout the natural gas production, transportation, and storage processes. This portion of carbon emissions will be included in the computation range as well.

The carbon emission in the sand casting process is affected by the process parameters. In the casting process, materials and energy are consumed, as well as waste and products. Casting carbon emissions are converted using materials, energy, and waste pollutants. Unexpected carbon sources are waste pollutants. The carbon emissions of sand casting are then mostly made of material carbon sources and energy carbon sources. The three types of carbon sources are undesirable carbon sources.


